Baby Care, Food, Parenting

Sink Your Teeth Into These, Kiddo

Gels, jewellery, giraffes, rings, toys, necklaces…there’s something out there for every teething baby.

I think Millie’s first toothy peg has popped through. There’s a white dot on her bottom gums that I’m almost sure is a tooth just about to rise up.

Tooth or not, she is a frantic munchie girl at the moment and those dribble bibs are getting a good workout.

I’ll start with our little French squeaker, Sophie. The pale natural rubber giraffe is clutched by just about every baby once they learn to hold things.

Sophie the Giraffe is chewed by babies all over the world

I like Sophie, and most importantly, Millie does too. Sophie’s shape means she can find a part that gets to her tender spots and she holds her legs and whacks it against things to make it squeak, then smiles. A smiling baby makes for a happy mumma.

Sophie is available at most shops and baby boutiques these days as well as a multitude of online stores.

What has been a winner lately is my Harper and Hudson necklace. I wear it, so not only do I look funky, but Millie is always grabbing at it, providing a great distraction when we are out and about. I’m not sure why but babies always seem to go for things they know are not their toys – keys, remote controls, watches, paper – so that’s why this necklace works so well. Millie knows it’s mine and so can’t get enough! They are made from 100% non-toxic silicone and are safe for bub to chew and suck. There’s heaps of different styles and colours and a selection is available online at Savvy Bambino.

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Millie munching on a Harper and Hudson necklace

There are other brands that sell teething jewellery with different shapes, including Tiny & I. This brand has square penne bead and fruit loop bead necklaces and are designed in Melbourne.

A necklace from Tiny & I

Millie has a little necklace of her own, a Baltic amber bead necklace. It’s from Bambeado and is said to release an oil containing succinic acid when worn against the skin. The acid is supposed to ease teething pain. Some mothers swear by the benefits. I’m skeptical. How can a necklace make a difference? But it’s a natural pain reliever so I’ve been willing to give it a go. With the necklace on or off, I don’t notice a difference in Millie’s irritability (or lack of it). Maybe she is ok because she has the necklace on? Maybe she’s a lucky baby and isn’t too bothered by teething anyway? How are we to know?

Bambeado amber beads

I have a teething toy mushroom I just bought at Naughts & Crosses in Elwood, it was an instant fave for Millie. The irregular shape holds her interest and it’s a soft natural rubber like Sophie.

I buy the Rafferty’s Garden Banana Milk Rusks too, these ones would taste a bit nicer than plain rusks because of the banana. She will hold it and munch away happily for ages with one of these and it’s good for relieving sore gums.

She also quite likes the Nuby IcyBite keys, these have different surfaces and are filled with a special gel that stays cooler for longer after refrigeration. The keys are about $10 from most chemists.

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IcyBite keys

Similarly, I’ve found feeding her some stewed fruit straight from the fridge offers a nice cooling sensation on her sore gums.


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