Beauty, Parenting, Self-care

A Busy Mum’S Guide To Obtaining That Glow From A Hydro-Dermabrasion Facial

I’m not a girl who spends ages applying make-up before she leaves the house. I never have facials and have started doing balayage on my hair so I’m not tied to salon appointments as often as I was when getting a full head of foils. What you see is what you get!

Not to say I don’t like a bit of pampering and beauty maintenance – I absolutely love it – but with two kids under my wing 24/7, I simply don’t have the time and in recent years have new priorities.

My maternal grandmother was blessed with beautiful skin and only ever used ‘Oil of Ulan’ as her moisturiser. That was it. I admit I have pretty good skin too and it’s usually a slap of tinted moisturiser and a cleansing wipe at the end of the day and I can get by looking ok.

But I’m nudging 40 (thanks to all of you who just let out a gasp, I can’t believe it either) and I need to take better care of my skin. Fast results from a relaxing treatment that’s non-invasive is at the top of my list. Too much to ask?

I see so many social media posts about fancy skin treatments that frankly look scary, serums that cost the same as flights interstate and beauty routines that require a big daily commitment to keep you looking fresh.

I was feeling rather overwhelmed. I this really what I need to be doing to stop me looking – gulp – my age?

Olivia Catherine Skin Concept is in Eaglemont, Melbourne

When I received an email inviting me to try a hydro-dermabrasion facial at Olivia Catherine Skin Concept in Eaglemont, I was intrigued – and excited.

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As luck would have it, the facial (45 mins for $110 or 60 mins for $130) was exactly what this busy mum was looking for.

This is me – fuss-free but trying to take care of my skin

“Hydro-dermabrasion includes traditional micro-dermabrasion technology whereby we utilise a diamond head to exfoliate the top layer of skin, vacuum suction to draw out impurities from the pores and dead skin; combined with advanced infusion technology to infuse a customised serum into the skin to nourish fresh, new skin cells, hydrating and nourishing the skin, without too much irritation,” says Olivia Catherine.

Make-up free selfie immediately after my hydro-dermabrasion facial

The Melbourne facial and beauty specialist tells me that a lot of women, particularly mums, come to see her because they’ve heard about hydro-dermabrasion technology as a non-invasive way to keep skin health at its optimum.

“They don’t want to do too much to their skin, and I hear quite often that a lot of the treatments they see on social media scare them a bit and look too intense,” she says. (Umm, yep. This was me!)

Hydro-dermabrasion is a popular choice for people who haven’t had regular facials because it’s non-invasive, there is no pain and the results are noticeable almost immediately. (Gimme!)

Upon arrival to the beautifully leafy salon, I notice Olivia Catherine’s gorgeous, smooth and clear skin. What better advertisement for a beauty treatment than when the beautician herself sells her product so well? I feel good about what I’m in for immediately and it only got better from there.

The treatment was sublime. Olivia Catherine talked me through what she was going to do and the facial was so incredibly relaxing. Hot towels, soothing creams and serums and the exfoliation process (which felt like nothing more than a mini roller being pressed across your face) was so calming I just about nodded off. Twice.

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But the sheer glow my face had once the treatment was over was very, very impressive. That smooth glow lasted too – and I have vowed to find the “me time” and return for regular treatments to ensure it never goes away!

“Clients are loving the look and feel of the skin, so much so, that they are opting to go make-up free – that’s the most common feedback I’m hearing which I love,” says Olivia Catherine.

Millie and I at an event in November

Olivia Catherine says that for best results, clients stay of for a course of six facials and will notice an improvement in skin tone, texture and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, they will also see hydrated, healthier looking skin, more refined pores and their make-up application sits better on the skin.

I know most mums would be more than happy to be able to tick these off their beauty wishlist.

Overdue for some pampering? Visit MillieMummyMelbourne on Instagram for your chance to win a 60 min hydro-dermabrasion facial at Olivia Catherine Skin Concept.

  • Olivia Catherine’s tips for that #MumGlow
    – Keep it simple – you’ve got enough on your plate without over-complicating your skin routine
    – Get expert advice and recommendations
    – Find a cleanser that you can mix together with your exfoliant and you have a 2-in-1 product that mums just love
    – Find a serum that is suitable for your skin concerns
    – An eye serum or cream is a must, The skin under our eyes has no oil glands so it’s always the first area we notice ageing
    – Find a moisturiser that suits your skin type that you can use morning and night.

*MillieMummyMelbourne was gifted a 60 min hydro-dermabrasion facial at Olivia Catherine Skin Concept.

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