Activities, Food, Parenting

Come And Try The Real Thing

I’m no eco warrior by any means, but I try to make purchases and decisions that are better for environment if I can. Watching the War on Waste with Craig Reucassel I felt extremely guilty about what we’re chucking out. Most people do it without a second thought. 52 mega tonnes of waste generated by Aussies each year? Are we for real?

We can do better. I was approached to try cloth nappies on Finn and I’m feeling a lot better about being able to reduce the amount of rubbish we create. Since Millie arrived we’ve tossed out hundreds of nappies, contributing to the staggering amount of household waste that ends up in landfill.

But no more. We’ve made the switch to Real Nappies for Finn – affordable, eco-friendly and leak free!

I have wanted to try cloth nappies for a long time and even considered putting them on Millie from the beginning. But I didn’t really know where to find them or where to start, so disposables it was and disposables it stayed. I wish I did my research and found some cloth nappies back then, but better late than never, right?

For my first foray into cloth nappies, I was pleased Real Nappies made everything very easy. It was as simple as laying a cotton insert and liner on the inside of the nappy cover and putting it on the little man. Done.

We’ve been using the nappies for weeks now during the day and have not had a leak! They’re no bulky like I imagined cloth nappies to be and Finn hasn’t had any issues with redness since wearing them.

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The covers – Snug Wraps – come in a range of cute, bright colours and are breathable, waterproof and stretchy. The Velcro tabs stay put and ensure a good fit around the waist and the elastic in the legs is soft.

The cotton inserts are free of chlorine bleach, plastics and chemicals and are very absorbent. Finn’s wet nappies never left wetness on his skin. Instructions are included to help you fold the inserts for the absorbency where it’s needed the most.

We used the flushable nappy liners on top of the inserts to catch the poo. It left less mess on the nappy inserts.

The biggest hesitation I had was with washing – we have a tiny laundry and I was worried about buckets of soaking nappies all over the place. Instead, I tried the recommended dry pailing method. It’s basically putting the nappies in a bucket with a lid and leaving them there until it’s time to throw them all in the wash. Where I could I’d dry the nappies on the line and in the sun. They’ve come up almost as good as new.

Real Nappies is a small, family-run business from Auckland, NZ and guarantee that the nappies will last through two babies. If your nappy covers or inserts fail, they’ll be replaced. What a deal.

We’re late to the cloth nappy party, but really, it’s never too late. I’m so pleased we gave them a try because it has been a very successful way to reduce our household waste and do something for the environment without really even trying. I now find Real Nappies as easy to use as disposables. Everyone’s happy – Finn, the Earth and I!

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Like to give cloth nappies a try? We have a Real Nappies Top Up Pack to give away, so head on over to Instagram to enter.

*MillieMummyMelbourne was gifted some Real Nappies for the purposes of a review

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