Friendship, Parenting, Relationships

Cherishing New Friendships.

So much of our history – and our kids’ history – is chronicled on computers. I remember flicking through old Christmas cards, school reports and photo albums and absolutely loving it, something that won’t really happen for our children in the days of e-cards, online feedback and Instagram.

When Kathrin from TK Tribe got in touch and wanted to give Millie one of her new friendship books, I was thrilled. Millie has made many new friendships in her first year of school, but aside from school photos there won’t be much else left to remember this milestone year.

Kathrin and her friend Tanja are Melbourne mums but grew up in Germany, where the friendship book is part of childhood. As young girls the pair had a friendship book  – a tradition is still going strong today.

TK Tribe has introduced the very first ‘My Friendship Book’ series which are the next step on from a baby book and capture a child’s development into primary school years while collecting memories that can be treasured forever.

Made in Melbourne, the spiral-bound books have beautiful mermaid themed illustrations, prompts and a sticker sheet for personalisation. There’s also a brand new ‘cool blue’ version availale for pre-order with dinosaur or space stickers which would suit boys (or dino-loving girls!).

Children share their friendship book with their friends and teachers and ask them to complete a page with questions about themselves, with space for a photo and a drawing. They capture fun facts about themselves, their interests, personal stories and dreams and it becomes a time capsule of your child at that point in time.

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It also means kids can connect without technology. Learning to read and write this year has meant Millie has really taken ownership of the book, taking care to fill it out herself and pass it on to her friends to complete. We’ve been reading the responses together and they re just so sweet – we’ll love getting this book out and reading this again when her classmates are older!

Even Millie’s prep teacher has filled out her page. It’s really the best keepsake of a very special year (that has flown by waaaay too fast). Finn will fill out his friendship book next year (with my help) to celebrate his first year of kinder.

We’re going to gift these ($30 each) as presents for Christmas and birthdays and we hope the recipient will love it as much as Millie does.

Hop across to Instagram for your chance to win a mermaid friendship book for your little.

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